12 asynchronous CEUs in all (accessible on enrollment). We will focus on the first 6 CEUs in Week-1, and the last 6 CEUs in Week-2
Group Coaching
We will meet 1x weekly as small groups. Choose the group session that works for your schedule! Choice of: Monday evenings (5-6pm pst) or Tuesday mornings (8-9am pst).
1:1 Coaching
Each week of The Sleep Collective, you will meet 1:1 with Emily to discuss case specifics, how to bring your sleep services to your community, or anything else you would like support with. This is YOUR time!
Course Completion and Certification
Certification completion modules open on the last day of The Sleep Collective and include a Final Exam (open resource with unlimited retakes), Agreements and Attestations, Ethics and Code of Conduct, and uploading of the Verification of Competency.